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Product details
File Size: 526769 KB
Print Length: 1192 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 3 edition (January 30, 2014)
Publication Date: January 30, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#339,211 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I believe this is the best pictorial explanation of anatomy I have ever come across. I never compared the text of Gray's Anatomy to Clinically Oriented Anatomy but pictures are bigger and much much clearer in this book compared to COA. I believe to use as a reference book for the practice of medicine, as a physician, this is a great book. I apologize that i am not able to evaluate this book from view point of preparation of exams.
The student consult is helpful and the book contains a lot of useful information, but is poorly organized. Made reading and studying much more difficult than necessary.The student consult is probably the best part about this book by far. It provides study questions, an electronic copy of the book, and more. I used the student consult many times to assist my learning and think I would have been lost without it. One of my favorite things to do with the electronic book was screenshot the pictures and put them into a review guide document so that I wouldn't have to have the book out to study.The book has the weirdest organization I've seen for a book. It jumped around a lot within chapters and made things harder to understand. It often took a good bit of searching for me to find the information I was looking for despite it being mentioned briefly pages before. As a student, I was taking more than just an anatomy course, and it was very frustrating to have to spend excess time and energy than should have been required on trying to find the information I needed.
looks so beautiful cover to cover! amazing colors that are comfortable to the eye, many many pictures to understand, neatly organized, I would recommend this to any medical student, it's a top choice. I received the book in an excellent condition.
I ordered this book and thought it looked a bit smaller than expected. Come to find out during our extremity block that half of the lower leg portion was missing and ALL of head and neck was not there.... How can you rent out a book without entire chapters?
Initially bought this book for PT school. It's quite substantial. Most definitely one of the books I do not plan to sell after I am done with the program. Would recommend.
Gray's is a classic in the world of anatomy. Great practice for CRNA school. Some of my professor's quiz questions come right out of here. I'd recommend!
Very helpful book when it comes to studying for both written and practical human anatomy exams. Get it.
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